We currently have almost 20 emergency response chaplains across the county. To coordinate the administrative needs of LCCS we have a director/chaplain filling a 1/4 time position. The director also works to continue to expand our services to better serve the emergency responders and the community. In addition, there is a cost for chaplain training, new radios, pagers and uniforms and other operating expenses.
Chaplains hear many times from community members that “I could never do what you do!” referring to the death notifications and serving individuals during the most difficult crisis in their lives. And they may be right-it takes someone with a special calling to serve as an emergency chaplain. Although not everyone may be called to serve as a chaplain, many of those people can help the chaplains serve by becoming our partners in providing financial support.
We need you to perform C.P.R!
C-Because you CARE about the emergency responders and community we serve,
P-we ask that you PRAY for the emergency responders, citizens, and chaplains, and
R-then RESPOND by partnering with us to help provide the needed financial support.
If you would like to help support our work, donations can be sent by mail or use the convenient form below to donate by credit card, PayPal or make make a donation by check or your billpay. While we are seeking supporting partners who can give on a monthly basis, any contribution is greatly appreciated. On-going or one-time donations can easily be done through the donation links below. A tribute gift can also be donated in the honor or memory of someone.
The Lewis County Chaplaincy Services is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)3 organization and is totally funded through generous contributions from individuals, businesses and organizations throughout the community.
If you would like more information about the work we do, please feel free to e-mail us at chaplain@lewiscountychaplaincy.org or call 360-520-4052.